Pin Treasure Candles
Like greeting
cards, Hidden Pin Candles are affordable, yet unique, gifts for any
occasion. Each candle has a pin hidden inside. An appropriate
message for the occasion or thought behind the gift is printed on the tag
of each candle. After the hidden pin is revealed through the melting
wax, extinguish the flame and carefully retrieve the pin.
Available In:
Angel Pin Hidden Treasure Candle - Guardian Angel Pin Hidden Treasure
Candle - Cross Of Hope Pin Hidden Treasure Candle - "I Love Mom"
Pin Hidden Treasure Candle - Happy Birthday (Birthday Cake) Pin Hidden
Treasure Candle - "I Love You" Pin Hidden Treasure Candle -
Teddy Bear Pin Hidden Treasure Candle
Necklace Treasure Candles
Like greeting
cards, Hidden Necklace Candles are affordable, yet unique, gifts for any
occasion. Each candle has a pendant hidden inside (the nylon
necklace is packaged in the wrapping!). An appropriate message for
the occasion or thought behind the gift is printed on the tag of each
candle. After the hidden pendant is revealed through the melting
wax, extinguish the flame and carefully retrieve the pendant. Then
string it on the necklace and knot the ends.
Available In:
Angel Necklace Candle - Friendship Necklace Candle
Cash Pyramid Candles
Each candle has
a cash present hidden inside! Every group of 100 Cash Pyramid
Candles has 1 candle with a $50 bill, 1 candle with a $20 bill, 1 candle
with a $10 bill, 1 candle with a $5 bill and 96 candles with a silver
dollar hidden inside! (Bills are inside a metal capsule, hidden inside the